It can be challenging to live out the Bible’s teaching on the Church in an individualistic, consumer culture. We believe that church membership is the best way to follow Scripture’s pattern for the Church in our cultural context. When you become a member of RMPC, you formally commit to be part of a church family that loves and supports one another (1 Jn. 4:21-5:2; Gal. 6:10). You place yourself under the authority of our elders, and our elders commit to shepherd you and watch over your soul as those who will have to give an account (Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:1-4).
The process of becoming a member begins by taking our membership class. The class meets for three consecutive Sunday mornings, right before our worship service. It is taught by our elders, and it covers the basics of the Christian faith, our core beliefs, and what it means to be a member at RMPC. If you are already a member of a church in our denomination, you can transfer your membership. We only ask that you sit in on the final session of the membership class.
We view membership as an opportunity to bless you, not as a method to control you. When you join RMPC, you become part of a flock that is led by an elder and a deacon. The elder commits to shepherd you spiritually. This includes calling you every month to hear what is happening in your life, ask how the church can minister to you, and pray with you. The elder further commits to shepherd you through other life issues that require more than a phone call. Every month the elders meet to report on their shepherding calls and pray for the congregation. The deacon in your flock commits to care for your physical needs. This may include arranging a moving crew, bringing you meals, or offering assistance from the church if you are struggling financially. Needless to say, we take our commitment to care for you very seriously. Membership also means you will be asked to serve in some capacity, and you will be able to vote during congregational meetings.